Downtown San Diego condo sales through June 2010
As you can see from the charts below, sales of downtown San Diego condos (zip code 92101) chugged along for the first half of 2010. Inventory has remained fairly constant around the 500 mark and condos continue to go pending and close escrow.
With regard to months of supply inventory (“MSI”) for downtown San Diego condos, the second graph below indicates a balanced market (i.e., MSI between 5 and 7 months). The MSI calculation is pretty simple – number of 92101 condos for sale divided by number of condos sold. But the numbers don’t tell the whole story. For downtown San Diego condos, it really depends on which building, the price range, and the type of sale (equity, bank-owned, or short sale). So who’s in the driver’s seat in the current 92101 condo market? It depends. Ask a downtown San Diego Realtor! 🙂